Thursday, 14 February 2013

One fine day on FaceBook wondering who am I - Part 1

Part - 1

Un-Posted heroes of FaceBook:

ShareMaster : Shares every other post in the world (read FaceBook).

RePoster:  Doesn't believe in giving due credits.  Though often filled with shame after copy-Posting.

JustCopied: Believes he/she is same as a RePoster.  He/she is Wrong. JustCopied has no shame.

Liker: Most Liked by everybody as he/she Likes everybody's post as blindly as  one can see with their eyes closed.

PageMaker:The architect. Some Like their page some don't but more or less they are not left unvisited ever.

Clicker: The most observed, ever-evolving species of Internet

Junker: Sheer product of Toore's Law

Scroller: Big fans of SriMad Bhagawad-Gita. They do unattached scrolling through Posts

Commentator: I am not unaware of Mark Zuckerberg - laying foundation stones for FaceBook overnight after somebody from Venus ditched him. But mind itt - as Rajni would say - Commentators are the ones keeping FaceBook in business.


  1. LOL! I encounter one or other type everyday :)

    1. Good to know Saru that you enjoyed reading it :-) ... I hope you would Like (Oops) the second part as well -
